6 de abril de 2004

Vencedores do Prémio Pulitzer 2004


Awarded to David Leeson and Cheryl Diaz Meyer of The Dallas Morning News for their eloquent photographs depicting both the violence and poignancy of the war with Iraq.

foto: David Leeson - The Dallas Morning News

Caught in crossfire from the 3rd Intantry Division fighting through Northern Baghdad, a woman huddles in an open ditch with two terrified and bloodstained children.

foto: Cheryl Diaz Meyer - The Dallas Morning News

After three weeks and 300-plus miles of speed-and-maneuver warfare, Master Gunnery Sgt. Frank Cordero savors the first letters from his wife, Melissa. "I held that first one for about five minutes...Just to smell it and hold it."


Awarded to Carolyn Cole of the Los Angeles Times for her cohesive, behind-the-scenes look at the effects of civil war in Liberia, with special attention to innocent citizens caught in the conflict.

foto: Carolyn Cole - Los Angeles Times

WAR UNDERFOOT: Bullet casings carpet a street in Monrovia, at the heart of the battlefield between government and rebel soldiers. Businesses closed for weeks as the battle raged.

Mais informações em Pulizer.org

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